Thursday, October 16, 2014

History of the Golgi Apparatus

Because the Golgi apparatus is amongst the largest organelles in cells, it was one of the first organelles to be discovered. The discovery of the Golgi complex occurred quite by accident. In 1898, a scientist by the name of Camillo Golgi identified the Golgi apparatus while researching spinal ganglion of the nervous system. In order to better see the tissue under a microscope, Golgi created a chromoargentic or “black” stain. When he applied this stain to the spinal ganglion, he saw a “reticular apparatus” that was stained black and determined that this must be a new organelle.

Unfortunately, because the technology of the time was so limited, scientists were skeptical of Golgi’s discovery. It wasn’t until the creation of the electron microscope in the 1930s that scientists confirmed that there indeed was a unique organelle, now called the Golgi apparatus.

Fun Facts:

  1. The Golgi apparatus is the only organelle to be named after a scientist.
  2. Despite it being nearly a century after the silver staining solution created by Golgi was used, scientists still do not understand the chemical mechanism behind the staining process.


  1. The whole blog was really well done. It gave a ton of information that was presented in an easy to understand format. I also really like the second fun fact. I always find it interesting when even our modern technology is not good enough for some tasks.

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